Cid Highwind


Job: Pilot
Age: 32
Weapon: Lance/Spear
Height: 5' 8"
Birthdate: February 22
Birthplace: ???
Hometown: Rocket Town
Blood Type: B
First Appearance: Rocket Town
Worthy Party Member: definitely!!

Cid is a brave pilot who will face any danger that he may come across.  He remains an employee of Shinra only so that he may one day fulfill his dream and travel into space.  Shinra has taken away his dream and his Airship, Highwind.  When they attempt to take his plane as well, he becomes fed up and joins Cloud on his quest.  Cid is an excellent fighter who definitely deserves a spot in your party.  His HP limit is high, and his weapons are some of the best in the game. You really want to use him.

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