Extra Hints and Secrets

Below are cool tricks, added bonuses and secrets I have
learned. These are just little things and puzzles a lot of people have
always wondered about and never been able to solve or find all of.
I am trying to build this area up so if you have any good ones, send it
to me through E-Mail and
I will have it posted within the week. Thanks and enjoy.
The Turtle Paradise Flyers
Placed throughout the world of Final Fantasy 7 are posters
advertising the infamous Turtle Paradise. When you go there and talk
to the waiter, or owner or what ever he is, and he will tell you if
you find them all he will give you a prize. Although not very hard
to find some can not be gone back to get so you must be looking for
them the whole game. Simply click on it and Cloud will read it.
The locations of the six posters are as follows.
1. In the Sector 5 Slums on the east side of town. Upstairs in the
boy's bedroom.
2. 1st floor of Shinra HQ on the back wall
3. In the Ghost Hotel near the item shop entrance
4. Next to the weapon shop in Cosmo Canyon that has a save
point in it
5. Next to the inkeeper's desk in Cosmo Canyon
6. In Yuffies basement outside of the trap room.
When you have found all these go back to turtle beach and talk to
the man again. He will give you one of each of the Sources (mind,
strength,etc) and a mega elixer. Nothing huge but hey....it was
fun right?

Unlimited Ribbons
Ribbons are perhaps the best accessory in the game. The protect
you against almost all ailments. I personally have one on all my charactors.
To get all the ribbons you could ever need and then some, simply
morph Master Tonbery, that impossible dude with the star over his
head in Northern Crater. Or, perhaps the easier way because you get
him every time, morph the second guy in the special battle at
Gold Saucer. I'm not sure what he is called but he is a huge plant
that uses a "Huge Pollen" attack and some whip attack that casts stop
on your charactor.

The Da Chao Fire Cave
In the submarine dock at the Underwater reactor there is a box out
of your way when you are racing for the sub. Inside this box are
the Leviathan Scales. GET THESE! When you are finished the sub
sequence and everything take the scales to the Da-Chao mountains
in Wutai and go into the fire cave. Before the fire would repel you
from making it anywhere and it hides all the boxes.
This time when you walk into the flames the scales put them out
and you can get the hidden box or whatever is there. Therefore walk
into each of the fires to put them out. There will be three items:
Oritsuru (a weapon for Yuffie), Steal As Well Materia,
and the Dragoon Lance(a weapon for Cid).

Unlimited Tetra Elementals
Tetra Elementals are accessories that absorb fire,ice,
lightning, and earth damage or attacks and turns them into HP. They
are very useful and are great when fighting element based attacking
enemies and bosses. To get them go to Cosmo Canyon and go diectly
south. When you get here you will see a little island with a desert
on it. Land on this island and fight the cactus freak things. Now
simply morph them and they turn into a tetra elemental accessory.
It is really up to you as to how many you get but they are very useful
and I put them second only to the ribbon.

The Kalm Traveler
This only takes effect when meteor has been summoned. When
you walk into calm there is a house in the right most corner of
the town. Inside is a man upstairs who is looking for 3 items.
The three items he is looking for are a guide book, the earth harp, and
a Desert Rose. You can find the Guidebook in the underwater reactor by
morphing the half ship half skeleton dude down there. Whe you give this
to him you will recieve the Underwater Materia. This eliminates the
time on Emerald WEAPON and you won't be able to drowned. When you
defeat Ruby WEAPON you will recieve the Desert Rose. This can be
traded for a Gold Chocobo (which by now is probably of no use to you
because you already have one). This leave the Earth harp. You get this
when you kill the Emerald WEAPON. When you take this to the traveler
he will give you each of the three master materia. Kick ass! Although
you probably have a few masters by now, three more won't hurt.

Cosmo Canyon's Secret Room
Although not really a secret, a lot of people miss this and
can't get master magic materia because they are missing one. To find
the missing materia simply general store in Cosmo Canyon on the second
disk. When you were here before there was a rope across the door way.
It will be gone and you can go in the back and collect the fullcure
materia, Elixir, and Magic Source waiting for you in the back.

Easy Gold Pieces
In Gold Saucer you need GP's to do and get a lot of the
cool stuff. Collecting GP can become very long and tedious. There is
however a quick and easy way to get some. About every 1/60 times you
enter the ropeway station on the Gold Saucer side you will see a guy
hiding in the shadows up by the save point. If you talk to him he will
say that he is willing to trade in your Gil for GP. The rate is 100
Gil for 1 GP. You can only get 100 GP's however and once you buy them
from him he runs away.

7777 fever
7777 fever can be pretty difficult to obtain so you better be ready
for I little work. If you have an easier way of getting 7777 fever
then E-Mail me and I'll
post it. Yes, you will get credit for your superior intellect.
Getting 7777 Fever for one battle is a little easier than getting
it for a long period of time. I got 7777 fever the first time by accident
near Junon with Red XIII (I know you care!). I got 7777 fever while I
was fighting the two small lizard creatures. The first thing you have
to do is cast mini, hast, and silence on your opponets. Then you
should give yourself between 7778 and 7795 health. You can do this
with a combination of potions and Hi-Potions. If you go to high over
my limit then take some HP off with the E-Skills Chocobuckle or Flame
Thrower. These don't take much damage so they work really good. From
here on you can just sit back and let your opponets beat you up until
you get 7777HP. This process goes a lot quicker if you only have 1
character in your party or a cover materia on.
To get 7777 fever for a long time you have to just equip HP plus's to
your charactors until the hit the right amount. Be warned it is very
hard to get the right combinations of materia to make this happen and
a lot of the time it isn't even possible. I have only done it once
with Cid. Although this can be a cool trick I personally wouldn't waste
a lot of time trying to do it seeing as if you get hit it stops working
and if you gain a level it also disappears.
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