Red Summon Materia

Choco/Mog - Chocobo Farm / From the Chocobos
Shiva - Junon / From Priscilla
Ifrit - Shinra Boat / Defeat Jenova Birth
Ramuh - Chocobo Racing Room / Golden Saucer
Titan - In deserted Gongaga Reactor
Odin - Shinra Mansion / Safe Kjata - Sleeping Forest
Bahamut - Cetra Shrine / Defeat the Red Dragon
Alexander - Great Glacier / Defeat the Snow Level
Neo Bahamut - Whirlwind Maze
Leviathan - Wutai Pogoda / Defeat Godo
Phoenix - Fort Condor
Hades - Shinra Plane / Drowned
Bahamut Zero - Big Blue Materia
Typhoon - Ancient Forest / Defeat the Ultimate Weapon
Knights of the Round - North East Island Cave / Gold Chocobo required
Master Summon

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