Winning in Gold Saucer

Gold Saucer is the massive amusement park located in the middle of the Desert South East of North Coral.
Gold Saucer is divided up into eight different parts. There is, the
Station (where you come in), Wonder Square, Chocobo Square, Battle Square, Speed Square, Ghost
Square, Round Square, and Event Square. I spent a lot of my time here
playing the mini-games and competing in the Battle Arena, and I recomend
that you buy the lifetime pass as soon as you possibly can (it costs 30,000
Gil, while a one day pass costs 3,000 Gil).
While in Gold Saucer gil is almost useless. Most places at the Gold Saucer use GP as the form of currency,
with the exception of the minigames in Wonder Square. You can
earn GP in the Wonder Square mini-games, or at the Chocobo Races. I find the races the best spot to
aquire GP because as you win the GP's you are increasing your Chocobo's class which is nessesary
anyway if you plan on mating a gold Chocobo (see Chocobo Breeding).
There is also also another really easy way to get GPs but it only occurs maybe once in 65 tries. When you walk into the
Station, in the shadows is a man. He will sell you GP for a hundred
gil each (e.g. 1GP = 100 Gil), though he only appears once in awhile it is a really easy way of getting GP.
There are some cool weapons, materia and limits that are exclusive to the Gold Saucer and
are very valuable to have which is why I really suggest you spend time here. How much is up to you
but I am warning you, if you get going you can really rack up the hours here.
Chocobo Races
Mastering Speed Square
Beating Super Dunk and Arm Wrestling
Beating 3D Battler, Mog House, and the UFO Catcher
Battle Square, Beating The Duel and Getting The Secret Duel
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